Tuesday, February 16, 2010

WordPlay! WriteNet Week 5

Okay, I admit it. I am a sports junkie, especially basketball and football. So I have been in seventh heaven, what with the Super Bowl last weekend and the NBA All-Star Game this weekend. Personally, it would be fine with me if all the overtures to the actual game, like H.O.R.S.E. and the Dunk Challenge and Three Point Shooting Contest and the Skills Challenge and the Rookie -Sophomore game, were eliminated. However, all the sponsors that pay for those events would be missed.

Held in the Dallas Cowboys' Stadium in Arlington, Texas, more than 100,000 fans watched the game itself along with tremendous entertainment by The Canadian Tenors, Carrie Underwood, Usher, Alicia Keys and Shakira (much better than the Super Bowl lineup, IMHO). For all of you who just yawn at the thought of sports, I apologize but this just illustrates one of the prime directives of writing: write what you care about! Even if your "cup of tea" is tatting Belgian lace, there is someone out there who shares your interest.

SO here are this week's writing exercises.

External Exercises
(see Week 1 for details)

1. Observation Exercise
2. Reading Report
3. Writing Journal
4. (NEW!) Sensory Details Exercise

Think of some activity that you really enjoy. First, imagine that you have a photograph of that event. Describe everything that you can SEE in the picture. Next, imagine that you heard a radio program of the event. Write down everything that you HEAR during the show. Next, write about every SMELL and TASTE associated with this activity. Then, write about all the tactile sensations (TOUCH) from the event. Also, write about any emotions which have been aroused by this event. Finally, write a piece which incorporates all the information you have gathered from doing this exercise.

Weekly Exercises February 15, 2010

1. Start the page with "When I was seventeen..." and keep writing.
2. Write about a teacher that made you really want to go to his/her class.
3. If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would you go?
4. If you could only keep one item from all of your possessions, what would it be?

There is no wrong way to do it: just write!

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